DigiDagno: After Migration Offer18 Provided Protection Against Fraudulent Conversions


Campaign Optimization Increase

Offer18 standardizes campaign automation, checks against fraudulent conversions, and generates insightful analytics for DigiDagno. The tracking and scalability features deliver satisfactory results. It also provides advertising solutions for DigiDagno.


DigiDagno Media is a performance-based marketing platform that provides excellent advertisement services to clients across a wide geographical range.

Company Size

10 Employees

Market Presence

3+ Years

Company type

Performance Marketing

Main Verticles




DigiDagno ventures into CPI, CPA, CPL and offers models for Geos globally. We are revered by many and have received several positive feedback from various customers.


  • Insightful performance analytics
  • Standardized campaign automation
  • Protection against fraudulent conversions
  • An all-encompassing advertising solution
Reason of Migration

The features presented by Offer18 to our organization were mouth-watering and irresistible. We found it amazing that we could have access to highly specific and advanced features not offered by numerous platforms at a very friendly cost. We also believed that the offers provided by the platform were the ultimate solution to the challenges we faced in our organization.

For which Campaign models/verticals are you using Offer18?

We utilize Offer18 to offer a wide range of campaign models to suit various clients' needs. This includes the CPA, CPL but the most common is the CPI.

Which features do you believe are most useful in Offer18?

The feature of Offer18 we found most useful is the offer sync feature. We also appreciate the campaign automation feature, tracking service, and scalability, which ask work together to deliver an overall satisfactory result.

How prompt is the response you get from our support team?

Quick and highly responsive. We find that the team is very dedicated to the provision of excellent support when requested.

Any special setup in which our support team did help you?

So far, we have not had any course to request the assistance of the support team for a setup. This is most likely due to the ease of operation and implementation provided by the Offer18 platform. However, we have had to contact them on a few occasions for minor issue resolutions.

In Short Review

We attest to and acknowledge the impact made by Offer18 in helping us overcome some of the challenges faced in our business. We have attained nothing but satisfactory results all the while we have worked with Offer18 and recommend that similar organizations embrace the Offer18 platforms as it is apparent that they are outstanding in performance and are on the constant lookout for improvement on all fronts to serve their organizations better.