Awards & Achievements

"We are thankful to our customers who have honored us by giving their reviews and choosing Offer18 as their best Performance Marketing Platform."

Awards & Achievements

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Yahoo Finance
Business Wire
Financial Market News
Hindustan Times
Icrowd Newswire
Martech Sheries
Software Suggest

Awards 2025

Best Est ROI
Fastest Implementation
High Performer
Top Tracking Platform


We have consistently delivered high-quality results in the shortest time frame, effectively reducing costs, effort, and resources. This has earned us well-deserved recognition in the Best Estimated ROI and Fastest Implementation Award categories.

Awards 2024

High Performer
Fastest Implementation


The solutions are quick to deploy and offer shorter turnaround times. We have consistently been identified as high performers, delivering high-quality output in traffic, conversions, and affiliate sales. The results are measurable and have been delivered in spades!
High Performer
Highest User Adoption Summer
Fastest Implementation


In the G2 Summer 2024 Awards, Offer18 performed exceptionally well, winning three distinguished titles: G2 High Performer, G2 Highest User Adoption, and G2 Fastest Implementation.
High Performer
Fastest Implementation
Best Est ROI


Offer18 has brought home some prestigious awards in the Best Est ROI, Fastest Implementation, and High Performer, Awards categories. This showcase achievement undeniably demonstrates our expertise in the field of affiliate marketing.
World Future Award
Happiest Users
Quality Choice
Category Leader
High Performer
Fastest Implementation
Best Estimated ROI


Offer18 proudly stands as a quintuple award-winner, having clinched the esteemed G2 Awards. These awards underscore Offer18's dedication to pushing boundaries and setting new standards in the industry.

Awards 2023

Best Est. ROI Award by G2
Fastest Implementation Award by G2
High Performer Award by G2
High Performer Award by G2
Momentum leader


Offer18 has been conferred with 5 Awards: Best Est.ROI, Fastest Implementation, High Performer Asia Pacific, High Performer and Momentum Leader Awards. With this, we make the cut in affiliate marketing realm.
Easiest admin
Easiest to use
Fastest implementation
High Performer
Momentum leader


Offer18 has been recognized as both a Momentum Leader and High Performer in the G2 Spring Awards, while also being praised for being the easiest to use among its competitors.
user most likely to recommend
Easiest To Use
Fastest Implementation
Happiest Users
High Performer
Quality Choice


A platform that is fastest to implement and easy to use has emerged as the quality choice of users.

Awards 2022

Best Est. ROI Award by G2
Easiest Setup Award by G2
Easiest to Use Award by G2
Fastest Implementation Award by G2
High Performer Award by G2


Easiest administration with a fully automated dashboard enhances the user's software experience
High Performer
Fastest Implementation
Easiest To Use
Easiest Setup
Best Est. ROI
Users Love Us


Best in implementing and setting up your account.”- G2 High Performance Summer Award
Users Most Likely To Recommend
High Performer
Fastest Implementation
Easiest To Use
Easiest Setup
Best Estimated ROI


"Highly recommended for anyone who wants to get a strong foothold in their affiliate marketing niche." - #1 Review Site
Best Usability
Best Estimated ROI
Best Support
Easiest Setup
Easiest To Use
Happies Users
Quality Choice
Fastest Implementation
High Performer
Users Love Us
Users Most Likely To Recommend


24/7 available customer support on multi-channels is unsurpassed - G2’s Best Award Winning Support

Awards 2021

Best Est. ROI Award by G2
Best Support Award by G2
Easiest Admin Award by G2
Easiest Setup Award by G2
Easiest to use Award by G2
Fastest Implementation Award by G2
High Performer Award by G2
Users Most likely to Recommend Award By G2


Reliable reporting, seamless API integrations, and cooperative support contributed to achieving top G2 awards
High Performer
Easiest Admin
Fastest Implementation
Easiest Setup
Users Most Likely To Recommend
Best Ext. ROI
Best Support
Easiest To Use
Users Love Us


Users love our easiest to setup platform and makes it G2's most likely to recommend software
Easiest To Use Award By G2
Best Support Award By G2
Easiest Setup Award By G2
Users Most likely to Recommend Award By G2
Higher Performer Award By G2
Best Est. ROI Award By G2
Easiest Admin Spring Award by G2
Fastest Implementation Award By G2
Quality Choice Award By Crozedesk
Happiest Users Award By Crozedesk
Best Support Services Award by Software Suggest
Best Meet Requirement Award by Software Suggest


Honored by the premier software analyst and expert, Crozdesk, as the Happiest Users’ Quality Choice
High Performer Award by G2
Easiest Admin Access Award by G2
Best Value for Money Award by G2
Ease of Use Award by G2
Best Customer support Award by G2
Faster Implementation Award by G2


The awardee of the best-estimated ROI thrives to grow the business forward, says supreme review site

Awards 2020

Quality Choice Award by Crozdesk
Happiest Users Award by Crozdesk
Customer Choice Awards by Software Suggest
Best Value Award by Software Suggest


“Excellent customer support, advanced features and an easy-to-use interface make Offer18 customer's choice” - Software Suggest


Organizations keep migrating to Offer18 and state why they looked into other alternatives.

Explore Customers Stories →

Shekh Aman

Founder & CEO

5+ Years market presence
Performance Marketing


Traffic Loss Decrease

Ankit Maurya


1+ Years market presence
Performance Marketing


Campaign Optimization Increase

Ankit Singh

Business Development Manager

3+ Years market presence
Performance Marketing


Traffic Loss Decrease

Anuranjana Chauhan

Founder & COO

7+ Years market presence
Performance Marketing


Campaign Optimization Increase